Tuesday, July 8, 2014

W3schools PHP Quiz Questions and Answers

1. What does PHP stand for?
You answered:
PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor
 Correct Answer!

2. PHP server scripts are surrounded by delimiters, which?
You answered:
 Correct Answer!

3. How do you write "Hello World" in PHP
You answered:
echo "Hello World";
 Correct Answer!

4. All variables in PHP start with which symbol?
You answered:
 Correct Answer!

5. What is the correct way to end a PHP statement?
You answered:
 Correct Answer!

6. The PHP syntax is most similar to:
You answered:
Perl and C
 Correct Answer!

7. How do you get information from a form that is submitted using the "get" method?
You answered:
 Correct Answer!

8. When using the POST method, variables are displayed in the URL:
You answered:
 Correct Answer!

9. In PHP you can use both single quotes ( ' ' ) and double quotes ( " " ) for strings:
You answered:
 Correct Answer!

10. Include files must have the file extension ".inc"
You answered:
 Correct Answer!

11. What is the correct way to include the file "time.inc" ?
You answered:
<?php include "time.inc"; ?>
 Correct Answer!

12. What is the correct way to create a function in PHP?
You answered:
function myFunction()
 Correct Answer!

13. What is the correct way to open the file "time.txt" as readable?
You answered:
 Correct Answer!

14. PHP allows you to send emails directly from a script
You answered:
 Correct Answer!

15. What is the correct way to connect to a MySQL database?
You answered:
 Correct Answer!

16. What is the correct way to add 1 to the $count variable?
You answered:
 Correct Answer!

17. What is a correct way to add a comment in PHP?
You answered:
 Correct Answer!

18. PHP can be run on Microsoft Windows IIS(Internet Information Server):
You answered:
 Correct Answer!

19. In PHP, the die() and exit() functions do the exact same thing.
You answered:
 Correct Answer!

20. Which one of these variables has an illegal name?
You answered:
 Correct Answer!

W3Schools SQL Test Questions and Answers

1. What does SQL stand for?
You answered:
Structured Query Language
 Correct Answer!

2. Which SQL statement is used to extract data from a database?
You answered:
 Correct Answer!

3. Which SQL statement is used to update data in a database?
You answered:
 Correct Answer!

4. Which SQL statement is used to delete data from a database?
You answered:
 Correct Answer!

5. Which SQL statement is used to insert new data in a database?
You answered:
 Correct Answer!

6. With SQL, how do you select a column named "FirstName" from a table named "Persons"?
You answered:
SELECT FirstName FROM Persons
 Correct Answer!

7. With SQL, how do you select all the columns from a table named "Persons"?
You answered:
 Correct Answer!

8. With SQL, how do you select all the records from a table named "Persons" where the value of the column "FirstName" is "Peter"?
You answered:
SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE FirstName='Peter'
 Correct Answer!

9. With SQL, how do you select all the records from a table named "Persons" where the value of the column "FirstName" starts with an "a"?
You answered:
SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE FirstName LIKE 'a%'
 Correct Answer!

10. The OR operator displays a record if ANY conditions listed are true. The AND operator displays a record if ALL of the conditions listed are true
You answered:
 Correct Answer!

11. With SQL, how do you select all the records from a table named "Persons" where the "FirstName" is "Peter" and the "LastName" is "Jackson"?
You answered:
SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE FirstName='Peter' AND LastName='Jackson'
 Correct Answer!

12. With SQL, how do you select all the records from a table named "Persons" where the "LastName" is alphabetically between (and including) "Hansen" and "Pettersen"?
You answered:
SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE LastName BETWEEN 'Hansen' AND 'Pettersen'
 Correct Answer!

13. Which SQL statement is used to return only different values?
You answered:
 Correct Answer!

14. Which SQL keyword is used to sort the result-set?
You answered:
 Correct Answer!

15. With SQL, how can you return all the records from a table named "Persons" sorted descending by "FirstName"?
You answered:
 Correct Answer!

16. With SQL, how can you insert a new record into the "Persons" table?
You answered:
INSERT INTO Persons VALUES ('Jimmy', 'Jackson')
 Correct Answer!

17. With SQL, how can you insert "Olsen" as the "LastName" in the "Persons" table?
You answered:
INSERT INTO Persons (LastName) VALUES ('Olsen')
 Correct Answer!

18. How can you change "Hansen" into "Nilsen" in the "LastName" column in the Persons table?
You answered:
UPDATE Persons SET LastName='Nilsen' WHERE LastName='Hansen'
 Correct Answer!

19. With SQL, how can you delete the records where the "FirstName" is "Peter" in the Persons Table?
You answered:
DELETE FROM Persons WHERE FirstName = 'Peter'
 Correct Answer!

20. With SQL, how can you return the number of records in the "Persons" table?
You answered:
 Correct Answer!